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Centering the Experience of Boys, Young Men, and Male Identifying Students in Human Trafficking. 


On behalf of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools, the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) invites you to join the next webinar in this series, Centering the Experience of Boys, Young Men, and Male Identifying Students in Human Trafficking. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

3:00 – 4:30 pm EDT

Boys, young men, and male identifying youth are often overlooked when it comes to recognizing and preventing human trafficking. In this webinar, we will explore how and why that is, and how methods of supporting males can differ from females. Researchers will present data dispelling the myth that exploitation of children is a problem that only affects cisgender girls and young women, as well as data showing that boys and male identifying youth are, in fact, frequently exploited and trafficked. The webinar will also include a panel discussion to better understand the experiences of male and male identifying youth who have experienced human trafficking, featuring experts with lived experience and educators working directly with youth in school anti-trafficking programs. We will end the webinar with a live Q&A where we will respond to your questions related to centering and supporting these youth in anti-trafficking work.


·     Jose Lewis Alfaro, Lived Experience Expert & Consultant

·     Jerome Elam, President and CEO Trafficking in America Task Force, Survivor Leader, FL

·     Jodi de la Peña, Grant Manager, Human Trafficking Prevention, Oakland Unified School District, CA

·     Jose (Peps) Garcia, Newcomer Safety Initiative, Program Manager, Oakland Unified School District, CA

·     Caroline Greig, Anti-Trafficking Initiatives Program Director, WestCoast Children's Clinic, CA

·     David Perry, Health Data Research Analyst, WestCoast Children’s Clinic, CA

To register for this webinar, go here. Please note this webinar will be archived on its event webpage here, including a recording of the presentation, slides, transcript, speaker information, and related resources.