CSEC Lunch and Learn is an opportunity for community members to have informal learning opportunities with subject matter experts.

These Lunch and Learn videos are for informational purposes only; the views expressed within them are the speakers’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the King County CSEC Task Force or the organizations, agencies, and entities of the Task Force.

CSEC Lunch and Learn: StolenYouth (February 2025)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Supporting Minor Survivors of Labor Trafficking with WARN (February 2025)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: WestCoast children’s Clinic CSE-IT (December 2024)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Fulcrum CSEC Prevention Education (July 2024)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: The More We Love (June 2024)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: CORS YA (May 2024)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: The Future of Law (May 2024)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Reconnect to Opportunity (April 2024)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Room Redux (March 2024)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: EverFree’s Survivor-Driven Tool: Freedom Lifemap (January 2024)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Angel Flights West (November 2023)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: WARN Minor Survivors of Labor Trafficking (November 2023)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: EmpowerHER Network (September 2023)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: My Mother Survived Sex Trafficking (June 2023)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: YSIC and WISe (June 2023)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Seneca WISe Services (May 2023)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Did I Flutter? (May 2023)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: JJAT (April 2023)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: CCORS (April 2023)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Multisystemic Therapy (April 2023)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Housing Stability for Youth in Courts (February 2023)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Legislative Process with Representative Tina Orwall (October 2022)

The Protection Order Program uses tech platform Legal Atoms. Petitioners and anyone assisting them may use this platform to generate the paperwork necessary to file, click the tab “Advocate Assistance” and to receive next steps to complete the filing process.

CSEC Lunch and Learn: King County Sexual Assault Resource Center - KCSARC (August 2022)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: CSEC Screening in Juvenile Court. What have we learned? (August 2022)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: ARY and CHINS (April 2022)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Sexual Violence Law Center (April 2022)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Children’s Justice Center of King County (March 2022)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Overview of the Truancy Process and Education Reengagement Supports in King County (February 2022)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: The Lantern Project’s Men’s Accountability Community (January 2022)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Screening with WestCoast Children’s Clinic and Seneca Family of Agencies (December 2021)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: The Power of Youth Employment (November 2021)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Upstream Prevention, Demand Reduction, and Community Accountability (August 2021)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: What is LINC? (July 2021)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Pornography “What is wrong with this picture” (June 2021)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Prosecution (June 2021)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Indigenous Communities (February 2021)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: Internet Safety (January 2021)

CSEC Lunch and Learn: CPS & CSEC (December 2020)