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"The Role of Victim Assistance Providers in Victim Impact Programs.”

The Role of Victim Assistance Providers in Victim Impact Programs

June 21 at 2:00 p.m. ET

On June 21 at 2:00 p.m. ET, the Office for Victims ofmCrime Training and Technical Assistance Center will present an online Expert Q&A discussion with Karin Ho on "The Role of Victim Assistance Providers in Victim Impact Programs.”

Victim impact programs are designed to foster empathy from offenders about how their actions harmed others. Correctional and probation employees often facilitate the programs to help guide offenders through various crime types and learn the potential impact each offense may have on victims. By understanding the impact of crime on victims, victims’ families, and communities, offenders can develop strategies to avoid repeating their criminal behaviors. In this session, participants will learn about victim impact programs and how best to implement them in young offender and adult institutions.

Read more about this session.

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1. Register and submit your questions in advance.

2. Log into the session at the time of the event.

3. Engage with the experts as they answer your questions.

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Featured Host

Karin Ho

Karin Ho is the director of the Division of Victim Services for the South Carolina Department of Corrections, where she oversees all operations related to crime victim services as well as the Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) system for the State of South Carolina. She helped develop national program standards regarding automated victim notification systems, victim offender dialogue (VOD), and critical incident management for correctional agencies as it relates to victim notification. Ms. Ho provided technical assistance to other state correctional agencies as they implemented victim service programs and conducted numerous national trainings on the impact of crime programming for offenders and VOD. For 3 years, she oversaw the Ohio juvenile corrections system’s Critical Incident Stress Management Program for staff and the Impact of Crime Program. From 1995 until 2013, Ms. Ho was the administrator of the Office of Victim Services in the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, where she oversaw direct services to crime victims within the State of Ohio. 

OVC's Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC) provides training to support professional development, enhance services to the community, and expand outreach to underserved victims of crime. 

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