April 28, 2022
During the webinar, hosted by the National Gang Center (NGC), researchers from the Urban Institute will present practice guidance from their project on youth group/gang and gun violence reduction as well as some of the keys findings from the research synthesis and environmental scan on which that guidance is based. Practitioner panelists will also speak to how the guidance relates to the work they are doing in their communities, including the need for interventions to be individualized by the specific place, problem, and cultural context in which they are implemented.
As follow-up to the webinar, NGC will host an Ask-the-Expert session, which will dive deeper into the webinar topic to address pertinent questions, concerns, and challenges from the field. This session will focus on practice areas outlined in the webinar and will invite practitioners engaged in violence reduction efforts to share their knowledge and practical experience.
Those who register will automatically be registered for the webinar and the follow-up Ask-the-Expert session.