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Integrative Trauma and Healing Framework Intensive

Integrative Trauma and Healing Framework Intensive WITH LESLIE BRINER, MSW and TEDDY MCGLYNN-WRIGHT, MSW
Dates: Mar. 31st, Apr. 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and May 5th, 2022 Time: 10:00pm -12:00pm PST
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To learn more about Leslie Briner visit
To learn more about Teddy McGlynn-Wright visit

Goals and Activities:
• Learn the foundational language and concepts of the Integrative Trauma and Healing Framework.
• Explore how trauma interrupts our safety, agency, dignity and belonging and how we can re-build those fundamentals.
• Dialogue with facilitators and participants about the Integrative Trauma Framework.
• Practice skills and self awareness to integrate experience and learning.

Cost: $200.00 (6 sessions total)
Sliding scale available
Contact: Please send questions to

Description: This virtual learning opportunity is a 6- session intensive that will dive deep into the emergent theory and practice of the Integrative Trauma and Healing Framework. This framework focuses on the embodiment of trauma at 5 levels, the body-brain response, the interruption and re-building of our fundamental needs through pathways to healing, and how we all can work for universal access to healing in our homes, workplaces and communities using the 3 bowls.