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Making the Case

It’s time to hold traffickers and pimps accountable for the harms that they cause. How do we do this while protecting the rights of their victims?

Across the political and ideological spectrum there is widespread agreement that those who have been bought or sold in the sex trade should never be arrested, prosecuted, or in any way criminalized.
How can we honor our commitment to protecting the exploited while successfully building a legal case against the pimps, traffickers and other third-party exploiters who drive the sex trade? Far too often, those in law enforcement or legal circles are not schooled in how to investigate and prosecute these cases without arresting those who have been bought or sold. 
During “Making the Case,” a special World Without Exploitation (WorldWE) Now & Next Speakers Series presentation, Jane Anderson, Attorney Advisor at AEquitas, and Benjamin Gauen, Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, King County Washington, will discuss why it’s critical to hold pimps and traffickers accountable, and how we can do this without putting those who have been bought or sold in the sex trade at further emotional or legal risk. Actionable, practical and strategic, this one-hour session is for all who recognize that in the fight to end human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation, justice and accountability go hand in hand.  

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