On Wednesday, October 9th, at 9 am PT/10 am MT/11 am CT/12 pm ET we have a very special one-hour Peer-to-Peer Learning Collaborative Virtual Meeting for our OVC Enhancing Juvenile and Family Court Responses to Human Trafficking project. We have an opportunity to learn about the exploration of Human Trafficking Courts.
Dr. Wendy Stickle is the OVC Human Trafficking Fellow. She would like to introduce you to her research project, focused on exploring human trafficking courts. The project will focus on determining where human trafficking courts are located, identifying their goals, and documenting their procedures. Data collection will include surveys, interviews, site visits, and court observations. Dr. Stickle looks forward to sharing more at the October 9th meeting.
Dr. Wendy Stickle is honored to be an OVC Human Trafficking Fellow. She is a principal lecturer in the University of Maryland (UMD) Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice (CCJS). Dr. Stickle also directs the UMD CCJS program at the Universities at Shady Grove. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Maryland Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice in 2009. Dr. Stickle is the chair of the Montgomery County Human Trafficking Prevention Committee and is the first author of Human Trafficking: A Comprehensive Exploration of Modern-Day Slavery.
Director , UMD Criminology and Criminal Justice at Universities at Shady Grove
We are excited to have Dr. Stickle talk with us about her research and data, which will align with the very important, vital, and necessary work you all do in an effort to not only to provide care and services to children that have been trafficked but also to understand the system that is Human Trafficking Courts. We are inviting the OVC grantee sites from our Addressing the Criminalization of Minor Victims of Sex Trafficking project to join us for this important topic. Please share the meeting link for the meeting below widely to your networks/stakeholders/collaborators for your OVC project. The Zoom link is listed below.
Meeting link: https://ncjfcj-org.zoom.us/j/84386375574?from=addon
Meeting ID: 843 8637 5574