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Webinar: Emerging Issues: Applying for OTIP Funding

Webinar: Emerging Issues: Applying for OTIP Funding

When: Wednesday, June 21 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PT

Hosted by: National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (NHTTAC)

Overview: This 60-minute webinar will highlight general guidance, tips, and lessons learned from past OTIP funding opportunities. Participants will learn about the application process, eligibility criteria, common mistakes from past applications, and general guidelines and best practices. Sophia Papadimos (NHTTAC Consultant) and Flavia Keenan (Victim Assistance Program Specialist, OTIP) will be the chief presenters at the webinar. While Ms. Papamidos has more than a decade of experience in anti-trafficking, Ms. Keenan holds an MA in Sociology from George Mason University, and her graduate work focused on the socioeconomic and political impacts of U.S. foreign policy in Latin America.

To learn more and register, click here.