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Forced Criminality in Human Trafficking: Identifying and Intervening to Support Students



Since 2020, the U.S. Department of Education has conducted a webinar series to address child and youth trafficking in America’s schools. The series draws attention to the important efforts underway in our nation’s education community to address both sex and labor trafficking.  

On behalf of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools, the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) invites you to join the next webinar in this series, Forced Criminality in Human Trafficking: Identifying and Intervening to Support Students.

Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Time: 3:00 – 4:30 pm EDT

Many people who have experienced human trafficking report they were forced into criminal activity by their trafficker and arrested for crimes they committed while under their trafficker’s control. Being forced into criminal activity adds complexity to the trauma of being trafficked and is an issue gaining attention in research. This webinar will describe what forced criminality is, why and how traffickers force victims to engage in criminal behavior, and the lasting impact that being pushed into criminal behavior can have on young people and their future selves. Our panelists will share ways to identify students whose criminal involvement might mask trafficking circumstances, laws that can protect young people forced into criminal behavior, and ways to support students who experience the dual trauma of human trafficking and forced criminality. 


·     Jane Anderson, Senior Attorney Advisor, AEquitas, CA

·     Dr. Amy Farrell, Director and Professor, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Northeastern University, MA

·     Hazel Fasthorse, Human Trafficking Specialist and Victims Liaison, Polaris

·     Erin Marsh, Research and Policy Manager, Polaris

·     Sirica McIntosh, Staff Attorney, The Legal Aid Society, Juvenile Rights Practice, NY

·     Elizabeth Quiroz, Co-Founder, Redemption House of the Bay Area, Person with Lived Experience, CA

·     Kaitlyn Zedalis, Project Coordinator, Covenant House Action & Research Tank (CHART), Covenant House, NJ 


To register for this webinar, go here. Please note this webinar will be archived on its event webpage here, including a recording of the presentation, slides, transcript, speaker information, and related resources.