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Strategies for Educators and School-Based Staff to Support Students’ Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Academic Well-Being and Success 

- Lessons from the Field Webinar Series -

 Wednesday, October 4, 2023 | 3:00 - 4:30 PM ET 

Attention: State and District Leaders, School Administrators, Educators, Student Support Personnel, Parents, and Education Stakeholders

The U.S. Department of Education is hosting a webinar series to address topics that are on the top of educators’ minds. After sharing federal updates, the series features lessons learned and best practices from faculty, staff, schools, districts, institutions of higher education, and other places of educational instruction. It also shares a variety of useful resources.  

On behalf of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools, the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) invites you to join our next webinar, Strategies for Educators and School-Based Staff to Support Students’ Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Academic Well-Being and Success.    

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 

3:00 – 4:30 pm ET 

Educators and school-based staff play a critical role in providing students with equitable access to the supports they need. Without these supports, students may experience more challenges, higher rates of discipline, and increased mental health concerns. This session is the fourth in the Miniseries on Supporting Students’ Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Academic Well-Being and Success, with a focus on strategies for educators and school-based staff. The session will begin with grounding in the current landscape of student supports, which shows disproportionate access for students of color and students with disabilities. We will then walk through a pathway for providing supports to all students, leading into a panel discussion with practitioners who hold different roles in schools. The practitioners will share practical strategies for supporting student’s social, emotional, behavioral, and academic well-being, as well as lessons learned and future directions for student support.  


·     Dr. Brandi Simonsen, Co-Director, Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, Co-Director, Center for Behavioral Education and Research, University of Connecticut


·     Tynara Blount, Director of CR-PBIS, School District of Philadelphia, PA

·     Sean Kelly, Lead Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) Coach, School District of Philadelphia, PA

·     Lu Snyder, Relationships First Coach, School District of Philadelphia, PA

·     Lauren Thomas, Social and Emotional Learning Specialist, School District of Philadelphia, PA

·     Valerie Close, Principal, Mountain View Elementary School, Roanoke Public Schools, VA

·     Laura Bell, Assistant Principal, Glenvar Elementary School, Roanoke Public Schools, VA

·     Elizabeth Mauck, Dean of Students, Northside Middle School, Roanoke Public Schools, VA


·     Cindy Carraway-Wilson, Training Specialist, National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE)

Related Resources

Below is a selection of related resources you can consult in advance of the webinar. These resources and more will be posted on the event webpage. Specifically, on the day of the event, the slides, speaker bios, and other resources will be posted. The recording and other webinar materials will be posted a day after the event.

·     Guiding Principles for Creating Safe, Inclusive, Supportive, and Fair School Climates, U.S. Department of Education 

·     Supporting Students’ Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Academic Well-Being and Success: Strategies for Educators and School-Based Staff – English Version, Versión en Español, U.S. Department of Education 

·     Supporting and Responding to Students’ Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs: Evidence-Based Practices for Educators, Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports


You must register to participate in this presentation.



Please contact NCSSLE if you have any questions. We look forward to sharing this information with you and hearing about the important work you are doing in your schools, communities, and states to meet the needs of students and staff.