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Law Enforcement Strategies for Addressing Sex Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in Equality Model Jurisdictions

Law Enforcement Strategies for Addressing Sex Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in Equality Model Jurisdictions

With survivors at the helm, World Without Exploitation and our partners are igniting significant momentum towards the Equality Model (or partial decriminalization) in many jurisdictions around the country. Last Spring, Maine officially became the first state in the country to pass an Equality Model bill, holding exploiters accountable, while creating pathways to services, rather than imposing criminal penalties for those in prostitution.

To end exploitation, we must end the demand that enables sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation, which is driven overwhelmingly by men, and whose price is disproportionately paid by women and girls. 

Join us for our upcoming Now & Next webinar, Law Enforcement Strategies: Confronting Demand in Equality Model Jurisdictions, to be held on October 11 at 1pm Eastern where we will hear from three experts: Benjamin Gauen, Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney with Washington State’s King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office on how to prosecute traffickers and other exploiters without arresting survivors; Detective Joseph Scaramucci, a nationally renowned law enforcement expert on human trafficking, who created the Human Trafficking Unit for the McLennan County Sheriff’s Office in Texas, will share his experience doing groundbreaking work fighting demand; and survivor leader Melanie Thompson who has worked with law enforcement in recent months as New York City determines how to address its growing sex trade. 

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