The Backstory on the Toolkit for Hope-Based and Solutions-Oriented Journalism on Human Trafficking and How It Can Help Survivors, Advocates, and Public Information Officers Dr. Kirsten Foot (UW)
Friday January 6, 2023 @ 12:00 pm
Abstract: The recently released Toolkit for Hope-Based and Solutions-Oriented Journalism on Human Trafficking was produced by a multiprofessional team led by Kirsten Foot. This toolkit is the first resource to address survivors, advocates, and public information officers (PIOs) in law enforcement and social service agencies along with journalists, on ways to advance hope-based and solutions-oriented journalism and other forms of media about human trafficking. This talk will provide an overview of the toolkit and the backstory of why and how it was developed, and unpack the constructive influence that survivors, advocates, and PIOs can have in news production on human trafficking.
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