Week of Action of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Relatives
Puyallup Community Domestic Violence Advocacy Program
Monday, May 3 through Friday, May 7.
Please register at: https://bit.ly/2RMqHwO
Event Schedule:
May 3: Call to Action Poster Campaign
May 4: MMIWR Red Dress Pin Workshop with Debbie Hartsell
May 5: Faceless Doll Art Therapy Project & Talking Circle with Donna Torres
May 6: Honoring and Remembering Our Loved Ones Through Storytelling: with Special Guests: Connie Walker, Stolen Podcast, Sonia Perez, MMIW Family Member, and more...
May 7: Red Dress Walk & Prayer Circle/Jam, Masks required. Social Distancing 6ft apart required if not from the same household.