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Week of Action of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Relatives

Week of Action of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Relatives

Puyallup Community Domestic Violence Advocacy Program

Monday, May 3 through Friday, May 7.

Please register at:

Event Schedule:

May 3: Call to Action Poster Campaign

May 4: MMIWR Red Dress Pin Workshop with Debbie Hartsell

May 5: Faceless Doll Art Therapy Project & Talking Circle with Donna Torres

May 6: Honoring and Remembering Our Loved Ones Through Storytelling: with Special Guests: Connie Walker, Stolen Podcast, Sonia Perez, MMIW Family Member, and more...

May 7: Red Dress Walk & Prayer Circle/Jam, Masks required. Social Distancing 6ft apart required if not from the same household.