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Trauma-informed Empowerment for AAPI Resiliencey through Services (TEARS) in the time of COVID-19

Topic Trauma-informed Empowerment for AAPI Resiliencey through Services (TEARS) in the time of COVID-19

Description From abuses experienced in childhood to intimate partner violence and encounters with phobia, hate, and harassment; Asian and Pacific Islander individuals experience gender-based violence across the course of their lives. Along with historical and community trauma, each encounter can create lasting trauma that survivors carry with them into future experiences and interactions. Trauma impacts whether they reach out for help, how they respond to services, and the course of their healing. As advocates and service providers, our work is more meaningful when we operate with an awareness of trauma and how our actions might cause it to resurface, especially now, in communities transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

During this session, presenters from two culturally-specific AAPI-serving agencies will discuss how individual and collective trauma manifest for survivors and communities. They will also share practices for trauma-informed care during COVID-19 through legal and immigration processes, at shelter, and in building healthy communities.


Aug 27, 2020 01:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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