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WEBINAR: Supporting the Virtual Workforce: Well-being.

Supporting the Virtual Workforce: Well-being

April 14 and April 17, 2020, 3:00–4:15 pm ET

 You are invited to join NCWWI and Alia Innovations on April 14 or April 17, 2020 for our learning exchange on Supporting the Virtual Workforce: Well-being.

In these uncertain times, we are all presented with new concerns about ourselves, our teams, and those we love. With the unprecedented global crisis, our national child welfare workforce and leaders also find themselves facing new challenges and stressors as everything about the old “normal” is changing. In this session, Dr. Amelia Franck Meyer will provide hopeful perspectives, concrete action steps and tools, and words of comfort and support for our workforce to help them manage through this crisis. Participants will receive ideas to cope and prepare to be in the best position and condition possible as we begin to rebuild together.