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Fellowships and Career Development for Survivors of Crime

Fellowships and Career Development for Survivors of Crime

September 5, 2019 | 2:00–3:30 p.m. e.t.  11:00 - 12:30 p.t.

The “Fellowships and Career Development for Survivors of Crime” webinar, which is supported by the Senior Policy Operating Group Victim Services Committee, will provide participants with an overview of fellowships, career development opportunities, and strategies to achieve those opportunities for survivors of crime who are looking to advance their professional development. 

After completing this webinar, participants will be able to— 

·     Identify existing fellowships and professional development opportunities, specifically for those interested in governmental work. 

·     Navigate professional development systems and resources, such as ProFellow. 

·     Discuss what to expect in applications and strategies to apply for federal, state, and local fellowships and professional development opportunities. 



Kate Oberg is currently the college and career librarian at Arlington Public Library, in Arlington, Virginia. She is a reference and research professional with subject area expertise in business, career, and economic information; government information; and personal information management. Ms. Oberg’s specialties include database searching, using information for decision making, emerging technologies in reference and instruction, reference interview techniques, virtual reference, public outreach, collection development policy analysis and decision making, instruction, assessment and evaluation of library services, and project management. She frequently teaches classes on information searching to job seekers and those looking to earn college and graduate degrees. Ms. Oberg earned her M.S. in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has held leadership positions with the Reference and User Services Association, part of the American Library Association.  

Vicki Johnson is the quintessential ProFellow, earning four competitive fellowships since her graduation from Cornell University in 2001. At the age of 30, she became the policy director for the National Commission on Children and Disasters, an expert body instituted by Congress. Ms. Johnson is an alumna of the New York City Urban Fellows Program (2001–2002), the German Chancellor Fellowship (2003–2004), the Herbert Scoville, Jr. Peace Fellowship (2005), and the Ian Axford Fellowship in Public Policy (2011), administered by Fulbright New Zealand.

Aubrey Lloyd has 18 years of nonprofit experience working with populations affected by domestic violence, substance use, mental health issues, and poverty. This experience focused on delivering training; creating and maintaining community partnerships, programs, and curricula; and managing programs. For the past 8 years, she has designed and implemented programs for multidisciplinary teams and nongovernmental and community-based organizations using her subject matter expertise in human trafficking, trauma-informed victim assistance programming, connections between human trafficking and addiction, domestic violence and sexual assault, homelessness and runaway youth, and early childhood adverse conditions and abuse.

OVC's Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC) provides training to support professional development, enhance services to the community, and expand outreach to underserved victims of crime.