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Survivor- Centered Service Provision for CSE Two-Day Training

POSTPONED until March 2020

This two-day training is designed for service providers, chemical dependency professionals, social workers, students, and community stakeholders who would like to learn best practices for reducing barriers to service provision from both a survivor and service professional standpoint.

At the end of this training, you will have a better understanding of: the origins and impacts of CSE/C; specific methodologies for attending to the short- and long-term needs of survivors of CSE/C; the relationship between CSE/C, trauma, and chemical dependency; practical steps for managing self-care and maintaining appropriate boundaries with your clients and coworkers; models for creating structures that assist in navigating individual, secondary, and organizational trauma within the workplace; and top theories and best practices for enhancing your utilization of a racial and social equity framework that is survivor-centered and trauma-informed.

Date & Time

Training Day One: 11/21/2019

1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. @ 2100 Building

OPS Opportunities and Networking Special Event: 11/21/2019

5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. @ Optimism Brewing Company: 1158 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122

Training Day Two: 11/22/2019

8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. @ 2100 Building

Day one of this training will discuss:

• The OPS model for survivor-centered agency structures

• Root factors/causes of CSE/C

• Subcultures of CSE /C

• The intersections between foster care and CSE/C

On day two attendees will hear from a panel of survivors discussing their own experiences with service provision during and after the life. Additionally, attendees will be able to choose two breakout sessions. Topics covered in these sessions will include:

• Restorative Justice for Recovery-Centered Agencies

• Trauma and Addiction

• Self-care and Boundaries for Service Providers

• Racial and Social Justice Skills for Survivor-Centered Service Provision.

Special Bonus Event to Follow Day One. All Are Welcome!

Please join us at OPTIMISM BREWING COMPANY for our OPS OPPORTUNITIES & NETWORKING EVENT following the training on Thursday, 11/21, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Come network with individuals leading our local and national efforts and find out how you can be part of the OPS community and assist with our current and future endeavors. Register for this bonus event by selecting both your training ticket option and the ticket titled “Bonus Networking Event”.

Ticket Options:

1. For those who did not attend our training on August 2, you must register for both days by purchasing a TWO-DAY COMBO TICKET.

2. Individuals who attended our training on August 2 may purchase a "day two only" ticket. To obtain the code for the DAY TWO ONLY TICKET please email

Up to 10 CEUs are available from either NAADAC OR NASW!

• This program has been approved for up to 10 CEUs by the NASW Washington State Chapter, Licensed Social Workers. Provider Number #1975-376

• This program has been approved for up to 10 CEUs by NAADAC. Approved Education Provider Number #186902

Two-day Combo Tickets are approved for 10 CEUs.

Day Two Only Tickets are approved for 6 CEUs. *To receive CEUs, you must attend breakout sessions that differ from the one you attended on August 2.

***Coffee will be provided on both days of the trainings. Please be prepared to provide your own lunch. There are multiple restaurants within walking distance, but please keep in mind the lunch break will be limited to one hour. Food can also be ordered in advance from the Farestart Cafe located in the 2100 Building by calling (206) 787-1598. For more details and menu items, please visité-2100.