Motivational Interviewing Informed Wraparound (MiiWrap) is an evidence-based practice that
combines the Principles and Activities of Wraparound with the Mindset, Relational
Communication Skills and Change Communication Skills of Motivational Interviewing. This is a three-day introductory course on how to implement MiiWrap with survivors of commercial
sexual exploitation. Through this course you will learn the fundamentals of MiiWrap, including:
- Enhanced relational skills for working with survivors
- Incorporating change talk to help survivors make successful behavior change
- Evoking and improving motivation to help survivors commit to and sustain behavior change
- Discovering the strengths, needs, and culture of your client which contributes to more effective goal planning
- Identifying natural and professional supports to form a wraparound team that works in partnership with your client
- Developing action plans and assisting your client in learning how to work with her/his/their team of support to achieve goals and increase self-efficacy
- Avoiding common traps that hinder clients from staying engaged in the change process
- For more information on MiiWrap, visit
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